Kendo Coaching Tips and Drills is the culmination of years worth of study, experimentation, coaching, writing, and of-course lots and lots (and lots) of keiko.
The book – unlike any other available in the English language – primarily aims to be a coaching aid for new-mid level teachers, or for those who aim to teach in the near future. Its also a very useful reference for less-experienced kendo practitioners, and provides more experienced instructors with new ideas.
The 76 page book – in beautiful A4 magazine and digital formats – is packed with lots of fundamental kendo teaching tips and tricks, as well as illustrated by high resolution photographs taken in Japan.
Since initial publication in 2012, the printed book has been shipped out all over the world – to every continent save Antarctica – and has received tremendous reviews.
Check out the contents below and CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW AND PURCHASE THE PRINT VERSION, or alternatively CLICK HERE TO GET THE DIGITAL VERSION. Take time to have a look at the excerpts, pictures, and video on this page as well.
- Intro : who this book is for and how to use it
- Acquiring correct body movement : basic movement exercises
- Kamae : the prerequisite of beautiful kendo is a beautiful kamae
- Wrist dills : with flexibility comes technique variation and sharpness
- Cutting : developing a sense of cutting things
- Suburi : shinai and body in unison
- The most important person during practise : motodachi
- Basic movement : ken tai no ichi
- More Advanced basics : the next step
- Drills : acquiring basics through repetition
- Ippon : the construction of a correct strike
- Shiai-geiko : shinpan development and reinforcing ippon
- keiko plan making : whats your aim?
- Wrapping up : In conclusion
- Appendices

Author bio
The book was written by yours-truly, kenshi247 editor George. I have been studying kendo for over 20 years now and been involved in coaching since 2000, when I took over the day-to-day running of Edinburgh kendo club. Straight after taking part in the 12th World Kendo Championships (2003) I moved to Japan… where I still am, nearly two decades later.
Since 2008 I have been the sole kendo coach of a large high-school kendo club in central Osaka, where I coach 6-days a week, all year-round. I am almost certainly the only official non-Japanese public high school kendo coach in Japan. As well as this, I also established Eikenkai, the only foreign-run keikokai in the country with a permanent dojo.
This book is based on my own experiences as a kendo student in Japan, studying under top-level sensei on a regular basis, as well as the day-to-day coaching experience mentioned above. I hope you enjoy the book!!!
After 10’s of thousands of likes on facebook and many many emails, I know the manual has been a success. But don’t believe me – here are a handful of reviews from happy readers!
“Having been fortunate to have trained with George in Japan a few times and having undertaken a crash course with George in his coaching tips and drills, I find that there is a rationale, a progression and a great deal to be learned from the exercises that feature in the book. I use the drills with adults, kids and now with complete novice University students. With all the great photos, this is a reference I will keep dipping into this for a long time.” – Steve Bishop, Edinburgh Kendo Club
“George has really produced a fine product here and there really is a level of detail in this book that I have not seen in any other kendo instruction manual yet. My favorite feature of the book are the pictures, I love Kendo photography and this book is jammed from cover to cover with quality photos to help illustrate the instructions and give you an image of what you should be working towards.” おすすめ!Recommended! – John, Irish national kendo team member
“Easy to understand, well planned and executed. This does not belong on a coffee table but used as a tool in the dojo. Shobu-Ari!” – Jonathan, Japan
“George, Once again your latest book is just another sterling example of your amazing commitment to sharing this wonderful journey with us all out here in the worldwide kendo community. From your blog to your books to the great imagery. It all serves to keeps us informed and inspired. Hope to see you in the New Year for some keiko and beers. Thank You and keep up the great work.” – Damian, USA.
“Just started reading it. The explanations are very clear and I’m sure will help improve my kendo. Agree: the artwork is gorgeous. Many thanks mate!” – Scott, USA
“Read a copy of this today; it is well articulated Kendo fundamentals. Well done!” – Aaron, USA
“Just got mine today. Love the fantastic photography and the well laid out descriptions. Many thanks for your hard work!” – David, UK
Get it now!