Hi, my name is George, and I’m a kendo and classical Japanese martial artist based in Osaka, Japan. Amongst other things I am the only non-Japanese fully qualified public high school kendo teacher in Japan, an amateur historian, a fluent Japanese speaker, a bit of an antique kendo book collector, and a life-long vegetarian.
I have been involved in creating and writing kendo websites since around 1994 or 95, when I launched what was almost certainly the first or second kendo website online (for what is now Edinburgh Kendo Club).
Since launching kenshi 24/7 in 2008 I have published nearly 500 articles as well as seven real-world publications, easily making the site the best kendo resource online.
kenshi 24/7 publications can be found at kendo-book.com and our archives here. Information about George’s annual kendo seminar in Edinburgh, Scotland, can be found here. George has also been running the adult kihon-based keiko-kai Eikenkai since 2006.
Information about Content (written and image) usage – creative commons and fair use as well as a Note on Translations can be found here.