Eikenkai organiser George went back to his home country of Scotland and whilst there managed to conduct a small 2-day kendo workshop as well as some local keiko in the beautiful city of Edinburgh.
The two day workshop consisted solely of kihon with only a small amount of jigeiko had. More was planned but due to time constraints (only 6 hours on Saturday, 3 hours on Sunday) the content of the keiko had to be somewhat restricted.
All in all about 40 individuals attended (or watched) the sessions over the two days, and included representatives from all the leading kendo clubs in the country, specifically Edinburgh kendo club and its satellite dojo (especially Edinburgh university club and Yugenkai) and people from the west coast.
Special thanks go to people who travelled down from Aberdeen and to Jon Fitzgerald (current U.K. kendo team member, Tora dojo) who came up from London for the event.
Hopefully we will be able to do something like this again in a couple of years time!