
Some naming guidelines

One of the turning points in a budoka’s lifetime is when he or she is given teaching responsibilities. This is not a sudden thing of-course, and they are expected to continue study under their sensei (and sempai) for years to come. Eventually the budoka becomes a senior teacher and may either take over their sensei’s position or even leave to start a new group. This is of-course an orthodox/ideal path. Some people are suddenly found – for no reason other than chance – that they have to become a leader of a group, or – for more personal reasons – decide to start a group earlier than expected*.

When a new group is started one of the first things to decide is what you call yourselves. Unfortunately, in the Japanese budo community today (across many martial arts) there are some strange names in use. Usually this is through no fault of their own, but simply a lack of Japanese language skills. In the internet age it should be easier to do some research into whats-good-and-whats-strange, and with more people coming to Japan to study budo (and the language) I imagine group-naming will improve.

Personally I have been involved in inheriting a group suddenly, have created my own group, and have been involved in advising people on what to call their new groups over the past few years. Although I cannot tell you what to name your own group, hopefully this small article can help you choose a name – if you choose to use something Japanese – that won’t cause potential awkwardness in the future (believe me, I’ve seen it!).

Note that I’ve used ‘group’ throughout the introduction, the reason for which will become clear below.

* You cannot open a new group under the auspice of the Osaka kendo federation unless you are nanadan

Before we even start to talk about what to call your group, the easiest thing to determine is which SUFFIX you should use. Budo groups in Japan follow some pretty standard rules, so lets have a look at some good examples to explain what I mean:

Mid 19th century-pre-war schools:

tobuKAN (Ozawa Torakichi. Built 1874.)
shumpuKAN (Yamaoka Tesshu. Built 1882.)
museiDO (dai-yon kotogakko bujutsu dojo. Built 1887)
meishinKAN (Takano Sasaburo. Built 1890.)
Waseda daigaku gekkikenBU (Naito Takaharu. Founded 1897)
butokuDEN (Butokukai. Built 1899.)
shudogakuIN (Takano Sasaburo. Built 1918.)
Noma DOJO (Noma Seiji. Built 1925.)

Modern kendo/iaido/etc schools and spaces (I’ve used those that I am involved in):

yoseiKAI (Osaka)
eikenKAI (Osaka)
sumiyoshi budoKAN (Osaka)
nippon budoKAN (Tokyo)
edinburgh kendo CLUB (Edinburgh)

Suffixes are split into two types, depending on your relationship to your physical structure/keiko space:

    1. Physical structures


The kanji 館 (kan) refers to a hall or building, usually of large size. Originally it referred to a guesthouse/eatery. KAN is used in everyday Japanese in words like bujitsuKAN/hakubutsuKAN (art/history museum), toshoKAN (library), bunkaKAN (cultural centre), etc etc.

Budo-wise, if you are using KAN then you should be referring to a solid, unmoving building, probably – but not necessarily – large. Inside this structure you could have a single keiko space, or many; multiple groups (with different names) could be using it.


The kanji 院 originally designated a larged fenced structure but has over time come to means something that is connected with the state (including schools and hospitals), and includes religion. In everyday Japanese you can see this in byoIN (hospital), daigakuIN (graduate university), and the names of scores of temples, e.g. byodoIN in Kyoto.

Budo-wise its similar to KAN above but has a more spiritual or educational sounding quality to it. Perhaps it is connected to a religious facility or/and also offers education classes of some sort.


Den 殿 and TO(DO) 堂 also refer to specific halls or structures, but nowhere as large as KAN or IN above. TO has basically no other meaning than “hall” but DEN can refer to military barracks.

Budo-wise these suffixes are the least used, especially nowadays.


The meaning of dojo 道場 has a few connotations in the English language now and has its own usage that is different from Japanese, which makes explanation here difficult. Let me try and explain it from an ex-pat living in Japans view.

The original term is said to have come from Buddhist terminology (translated from Sanskrit to Chinese), and refers to the location where Shakyamuni reached enlightenment. After that it was used in China for a period to refer to temples and from there eventually came into Japan via Buddhism.

The use of the term in the budo community is said to have started only in the Meiji period (1868+), before then places to keiko were simply called keiko-BA (場) or keiko-location/spot. There was no mysterious or psychological connotations in the BA usage, so whomever decided to first use the term DOJO probably had a more esoteric goal in sight. Its important to note that the JO in doJO and the BA in keiko-BA are the same kanji.

In Japan nowadays, a dojo is used to refer to a place where some sort of study is taking part. Like using the verb KEIKO (稽古 practise of something that requires a ‘more’ ascetic training) instead of RENSHU (練習 physical or mental practise of something), saying your are going to do “yoga KEIKO at the DOJO” sounds more esoteric and cool… almost like you are putting in more effort. There are even English conversation dojo’s nowadays.

So, budo-wise, a dojo has come to mean a physical location where you practise (keiko) your art (or follow your “way”). However, almost no group calls themselves “X-DOJO” unless its a physically location privately owned by an individual or a family, e.g. Noma Dojo or the nickname for Chiba Shusaku’s Genbukan, Chiba dojo.

A large structure (i.e. a KAN or an IN) may have multiple dojo inside it with different names. Large sports centres in Japan (and many schools/universities) often have 1 or 2 dojo built in, usually called “Number 1 dojo” and “Number 2 dojo” (or “big” and “small”) or sometimes “kendo-JO,” “judo-JO,” or “budo-JO” (the only difference usually being if tatami is down or not).

As you can see here, there are 2 things happening here: a) a ‘dojo’ as a physical unmoving space, and b) a ‘dojo’ as some sort of conceptual place to practise a ‘way.’ Its my believe that the latter is a very modern construct, perhaps born out of the fact that many groups no longer own their own space now.

Anyway, even if you don’t own your practise space, its still common to call it a dojo but you wouldn’t call your group that.

    2. Groups

Unless you practise kendo in a privately owned physically location then you fall into this category.

KAI (club)

Almost every group who practices a martial art in Japan but that doesn’t own their practise space calls their group x-KAI (会). Its by far and away the most common suffix in use for not only budo clubs, but many many other types of association or even one-of assemblies (e.g. taiKAI). Its also relatively common in Japan to use the term クラブ (club) to refer to a group. There is absolutely no difference in the terms KAI and CLUB.

KAI’s often practise in physical keiko spaces as described above, but also school or sport centre kendo-JO’s, gymnasiums etc.

Popular variations on KAI are x-KEN-YU-KAI (x剣友会) and x-KEIKO-KAI (x稽古会). KEN is obviously, the YU portion is the kanji for friend. Keikokai have a more friendly, relaxed feel to it… like a group of friends who get together without for a bash (with no instruction).

If you have a group (KAI/CLUB) that teaches, for example, both kendo and iaido then you may have an umbrella KAI-name for your group, and then a kendo-BU and iaido-BU under that (see below).


The kanji 部 simply means “department” or “club/team” and is almost always used to refer to groups in schools, universities, and business. e.g. Panasonic kendo-BU or Tokyo University kendo-BU. They may or may not practise in a fixed physical location. e.g. The Imperial guards kendo-BU in Tokyo practise in SaineiKAN, but the Sogo-keibi-kendo-BU (a well known security guards team) in Osaka rotate around different sports centres, some dojo called “Number 1” and others with names.


Kyoshitsu (教室) is a basic term that means “class(room).” Although not as popular as KAI you do see x-kendo-kyoshitsu now and then, and it usual infers teaching children.

Juku (塾) is another seldom used term that insinuates some sort of coaching going on. In daily Japanese it simply refers to the cram schools that students commonly go to after school.

Suffix done, what about the rest?

Ok, so thats the easy bit done: you’ve decided on x-KAI or whatever, but what do you put before that? When thinking of a name, many groups naturally want to use Japanese. Thats great but it can be fraught with difficulties. The best bet is to ask an experienced Japanese teacher for some naming possibilities or ask someone who is fluent in Japanese to do some research. Remember individual kanji can have multiple meanings as well as readings, and its always best to check that the meaning in Japanese AND Chinese is ok, as they don’t always match. What you pick is ultimately your decision, so choose wisely.

The first situation where I was involved in name-choosing was when I (suddenly and unexpectedly) inherited what was to become Edinburgh Kendo Club. The current name of the club was a nice Japanese one, but after searching on the internet I found quite a few places (across different martial arts) with the same name. So – after some research and chatting to my Japanese kendo friends – I renamed the club simply to “Edinburgh Kendo Club.” In Japanese I simply changed the CLUB to KAI… which I probably didn’t need to! The club name now did exactly what it says on the tin. Another group I named is Eikenkai (the 英 taking the double meaning of me being British and also that many members speak English). Over the years I’ve helped in the naming of a few groups, and I almost always suggest something plain, easily understandable, and vetted for accuracy.

Please note that these are guidelines – what you choose to call your group is up to you, but if you use Japanese please take some time to research the ‘correctness’ of it. There are also exceptions to these guidelines even in Japan itself. Anyway, I hope this article was of use!

By George

George is the founder and chief editor of
For more information check out the About page.

22 replies on “Some naming guidelines”

A good and useful article, George.

I’ve always liked either the straight descriptive name (e.g. Oregon State University Kendo Club/オレゴン州立大学剣道部) or getting a native speaker of Japanese (or someone who speaks and reads it that well) who is connected to the group to name it. Besides getting something that has a decent meaning, avoiding unwanted homophones and near homophones is also an issue. I asked my iaido sensei in Japan to give a name to my then-future group in the US. It sounds nice *and* has multiple levels of meaning. And it’s got personal importance as a “gift” from my teacher.

Even with my limited Japanese, the number of you-don’t-speak-Japanese-do-you group names in the US is staggering.

I think naming a group is very important and is something that should be considered deeply. Gifts from sensei are always great!!!! I have heard of stories of sensei gifting names to groups where the name is very strange however. I think that this happens because the assumption is that outside of Japan nobody speaks good Japanese and so its accuracy doesn’t really matter (and also because the non-Japanese students want a Japanse name). Sure there is good motivation behind this, but it is a little bit dissapointing.

With apologies to T.S. Elliot:

The Naming of Dojos is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a dojo must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES…

Thanks for the great article. Names are important. For us:

“Michigan State University Kendo Club”

Simple, pretty easy mix of kana/and kanji to get it in Japanese for those who care (and those who do seem to be the ones that don’t actually know any Japanese).

Liked this article a lot. When I was still in Japan and trying to decide my future dojo’s name I went through this same dilemma. Do I use something cool that uses kanji with special meanings like bushi, power, sword, etc, or do I just use something descriptive?

I asked a couple of my kendo practicing students and we narrowed it down to three that we liked and thought would be appropriate.

I went to my iaido sensei, Mr. Takeda and asked his opinion. Before he even looked at the sheet of paper with the kanji and dojo names we were considering on it, he asked me, “Will you be teaching seitei and Musoshindenryu?” Yes.
“Where will your dojo be located?” Moorhead Minnesota.
“Why don’t you call it Musoshindenryu Iaido – Moorhead Dojo?” Okay, that was easy!

And without even looking at the cool names I’d come up with, he had decided for me, and that’s what we’ve been ever since. Keep it simple.


Thanks for the great article, George. I’ve always found the Japanese names outside of Japan a little pretentious. Apparently my instructor agrees as he simply calls our outfit “Saskatoon Kendo Club”.

i’m not so sure its pretentious. i think it can be but many times its a marker of respect or affliation. heck here in japan its amazing how ‘cool’ english words are. if they do it here… hehehe.

I should have been more clear. Many times it is pretentious, and if the name doesn’t make any sense, more so. But I agree, affiliation or being assigned a name by someone senior is fine.

Dear sensei,
Would you mind helping us to give some ideas related to the Kendo Club name in Japanese?
I and some of my Kendo friends are preparing to open a Kendo Club in the next few months.
We’ll use “Kai” in the end, and the name is related to “friendship, peace . . .” (not “X-Kenyukai”).
Thank you if we receive your ideas.


Dear sensei,
The name we prefer related to one of these keywords: Heart peace, friendship, sun, innovation . . . (it should be 3 words – X-X-Kai).
The situation:
My sensei is Japanese and he just left my country after over 12 years teaching Kendo and a bad guy (his old student) stolen the name of old Dojo (it’s too complicated to explain here), so, I and my kohai – my friends decided to leave and open a Kendo Club ourself to practice together. And he always tell his student that “your Kendo should comes from your heart” – maybe this is a key for new name of upcoming Kendo Club. It’s great if we have a few options. Have a nice day.
Thank you and best regards,

For “heat” you can say “shin” and for “peace” you could use “wa” or maybe “hei” or “an.” Generally “wa” is more common and it also has the connotation of meaning “Japan.”

So for example shin-wa-kai (心和会) or the reverse wa-shin-kai (和心会), though I already know a dojo in the Netherlands that uses that name and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are many more (they are kind of generic sounding). Both also sound like “Japanese spirit” as well, which is personally not my thing.

You might also consider using your city or location name too, either as is or in combination, for example “London shinwa-kai” etc.

Just stumbled upon this article.
Does “Juku” have the specific reference to youth class? Or is that acceptable for adult as well?
Teaching a goshin judo, I was reluctant to stay away from “Juku” all though it is a private school not commercialized. Just wondering if “Juku” contradicts military self defense and adult classes?

Hi Shawn

“Juku” in Japan nowadays almost always refers to private for-profit institutions that focus on teaching enterance exam strategies to students attempting to get into high school or university.

Historically the word simply referred to a physical space where private tuition went on. Often (but not always) these “schools” were run by individuals and may have taught one or more subjects. It’s highly possible that some juku taught military strategy and/or arts.

Hope that helps!

Hi George, great article! I wonder if you (or others) could have some advice for us. Our dojo has recently had to split practices between two cities, making the old name of it (referring to the first city) become inadequate.

I really did not want to have to come up with a name but it looks like there’s no choice. I’d like very plain name, maybe three or four kanji (including kai). Maybe even a simple object or some kind.

If I had to think of the meaning it would embody, I’d like it to be about perseverance, diligence or otherwise about being very accepting.

My Japanese is intermediate at best so I’ll vet everything with our Japanese members, but I considered the names 十色剣道会 or 八起き会 (both derived from a common kotowaza) but I’m not sure it looks or sounds good.

Otherwise I’d just consider any plain thing (“blue sky “, “green grass”, “chunky monkey”..).

If you have any ideas or guidelines, I’d love to hear it.


Hey Dan,

Sorry for the late reply. Rather than use some random sounding name like 十色剣道会, 八起き会, or Chunky Monkey, why don’t you just either use the name of the cities that the dojo are located in, or go with something associated with those local areas? “Edinburgh Kendo Club” for my home dojo in Edinburgh works well, as does “New York City Kendo Club” and stuff like that.

If you want to keep the same name for both practices (which I suspect you do) then perhaps a single moniker would be best. If you let me know the names of the cities involved I could possible be of more help…

  • George

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