This year’s first Eikenkai session was held last Tuesday, the 11th of February (a national holiday here in Japan). About 35 kenshi or so gathered (I didn’t count) for what ended up being a marathon three-hour-long session. Some of us actually came early and did about 90 mins of koryu keiko before kendo.
Participants included two hachidan, an ex-Japanese team member and past winner of the WKC, and a handful of current/future or ex-national team members. Participants came from all over the globe: including Japan, Scotland, England, Ireland, Spain, France, America, Taiwan, and Venezuela… and perhaps more, I can’t remember.
Yano sensei, the head-teacher of the yearly Edinburgh Kendo Summer Seminar, had a good time beating everyone up! BTW, due to demand, it seems like this year’s cancelled Edinburgh seminar is BACK ON… keep your eyes peeled for details.!

Unfortunately, today we had to say goodbye to Masa, a current/future New Zealand team member who, after living in Japan for a few years, is returning back to NZ next week. Good luck mate!
As is usually the case, I was too busy practicing to actually take many pictures… here is just a handful of random snaps I took between things.