kendo shiai

Is kendo faster than the human eye?

Take a look at the video below. This is the winning point of this years Zen nippon senshuken taikai (All Japan championships), held in the Tokyo Budokan on the 3rd of November 2010. This is the shiai that determines/determined who is the strongest competitor (young/male) in the country (and by extension, the world), and is […]



Kendo is a combative discipline where you fight with a sword, and it as such it may be thought of as a brutal and bloodthirsty art by some, but thats definitely not what it is: it is method of physical education that includes educational, moral, and spiritual training. The kendojo is a place where this […]


Miyazaki number

The kendo community is extremely small. I can’t even compute the number of times I’ve been chatting to someone (real life or online) when a connection has been made to a mutual friend. I’ve lived in three countries (U.K., America, and Japan) and have done keiko in 15+ more, so I’ve had plenty opportunity to […]

kendo theory


Ippon (n.) The act of successfully scoring a waza in kendo. The act of striking with ki-ken-tai-no-itchi.See ki-ken-tai-no-itchi and yuko-datotsu. Ki-ken-tai-no-itchi (n.) A term which expresses an important element in moving for offense and defense; it is mainly used in teaching striking moves. Ki is spirit, ken refers to the handling of the shinai, and […]


The effect keiko has on the character of its practitioners

As it is said that ‘the eyes can speak as well as the mouth,’ it must follow that the language of the eyes is delicate and subtle. French philosopher Georges-Luis Leclerc de Buffon stated that ‘words’ express the character of man; an insightful remark. The sword is also considered to reveal the character of the […]

equipment kendo

shinai complex

It must have been in 2001. It was the night before the European kendo championships (Bologna I guess) and I was chatting with the then U.K. kendo team coach Honda Sotaro sensei about shinai. In particular, I was unhappy with the shinai I had taken with me to use in the competition and was seeking […]


Don’t give advice to other peoples students

他人の弟子をアドバイスするな。 子供たちは順調に伸びていくわけではない。 右に行ったり左に逸れたりしながら伸べていくのだ。 右に曲がっているものを矯正するには、 真っ直ぐではなくて。 左に行きすぎるぐらいにしないと真っ直ぐにはならない。 それが解って指導できるのは、直接の師匠だけなのである。 出稽古などに行って、よその門下生と稽古するときは、 スキがあったら打ってやればいい。メンばかり打ってくる子に、 「コテもドウもあるよ」などと言わない方がいい。 訳あって「メンの稽古をしろ」と言われているかもしれないのだ。 Don’t give advice to other peoples students! Kids (kendo) doesn’t always improve according to plan. If you go too far to the right the only way to fix it is aim left, not by simply going straight ahead. In fact, if you don’t bend […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2010)

Eikenkai organiser George went back to his home country of Scotland and whilst there managed to conduct a small 2-day kendo workshop as well as some local keiko in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. The two day workshop consisted solely of kihon with only a small amount of jigeiko had. More was planned but due […]

kendo theory

The kendo lifecycle

(a.k.a.Kendo and you: what it means and how you approach it at various points in your life) I started kendo at the comparatively late age of 19 (I’m 35 now) and, with only 16 years of practise under my belt, I can say with no false humility that my experience is pretty shallow… considering that […]


Bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keikoho

I am sure most if not all regular readers have at least heard of bokuto ni yoru kihon waza keiko ho if not already actively practising it (some people for years I guess). The first time I was introduced to it was in 2000 (or 2001?) at a seminar in Brussels, Belgium (Editor: see […]