

Check out this video by a friend of mine from Austria, Marcus. He visited Japan and created a photo/video documentary of the country. He of-course visited my dojo here in Osaka – Yoseikai – and took some footage… a small part of which is shown here. Anyway, check it out!


Tough kendo man

I can’t remember the first time I saw any pictures of kendo or any kendo on the TV (James Bond maybe?), but I do remember the first article I read that mentioned kendo… at least I remembered the content and which magazine it was in, but not the writer. This summer I returned to the […]


2012 – UK trip

As followers of kenshi247 know, I just spent the last 3 weeks on holiday in the U.K. Mainly it was to see family and friends, and to do a bit of relaxing. The whole trip went something like this: Osaka->London->Inverness->Orkney->Inverness->Edinburgh->London->Osaka… In amongst all this I managed to fit some keiko in, as well as run […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2012)

Exactly 2 years after the first Eikenkai in Scotland seminar I returned to Edinburgh and held another. In amongst the busy backdrop of the Olympic and Edinburgh festival mayhem around 30 people spent a couple of days together doing kendo, drinking beer, eating curry, and generally having a fun time. The Saturday session ran for […]