
2025 Edinburgh Kendo Seminar

It’s on! Flight tickets are booked and the venue is set. We still have some details to work out – cost, sayonara party, registration page, and so on – but for all intents and purposes we are a go. If you are interested feel free to go ahead and start making preparations. I will update […]


For sale: KATANA

Just slightly over five years ago I wrote an article about a katana that found its’ way into my possession. If you read the article you’ll see that at first I wasn’t sure what to do with it, but in the end I replaced parts of it and made it into a useable sword. Originally […]

japanese kendo

The Three Principles of Kendo Training

For today’s article, I  – for the first time in ages – present a translation piece. I used to do translations semi-often, but it is something like, let’s see… two years since I did my last one. It’s not that I’ve stopped reading kendo books or anything, it’s just that life gets in the way. Also, […]

eikenkai kendo

Eikenkai (Feb 2025)

This year’s first Eikenkai session was held last Tuesday, the 11th of February (a national holiday here in Japan). About 35 kenshi or so gathered (I didn’t count) for what ended up being a marathon three-hour-long session. Some of us actually came early and did about 90 mins of koryu keiko before kendo.  Participants included […]


Dragon into Snake

Happy new year everyone! 2024 ended without my usual end of year review post because, well, it was a rather quiet year article-wise: only 16 posts, 7 or so about events. I also had a lingering cold at the end of the year that sucked energy from me, thankfully that is gone now. I am […]



Almost exactly 15 years ago I wrote an article entitled “A brief investigation into the shogo system” in which I discussed not only the shogo system itself, but the history behind the dan-i (normal grades) we use as well. The article was indeed brief and didn’t really go into detail about how to acquire the […]


Tokyo mini musha-shugyo

This is a follow-post, check out part 1 here. I just came back from a crazy long-overdue (and too-short) kendo trip to Tokyo. Well, more kendo-related actually, as the main purpose was to visit a friend (more about that below).  Living in Japan, you might think it’s relatively easy to hop on the Shinkansen and travel to […]


Tameshi-ai and combating complacency

In less than three month’s time I will turn 50. How I got to this age so fast I have no idea: I certainly don’t feel 50 (I look about 70 though!!!). It also feels like I arrived in Japan only a moment ago when, actually,  I’m in my 22nd year here. Something that does feel […]

eikenkai kendo

Eikenkai (Sept.2024)

The latest Eikenkai (and last for this year) was held last weekend, on Saturday the 28th of September. A bunch of friends were visiting Japan from Manchester Kendo Club which provided just the excuse I needed to host a session! All in all, joining myself and the 11 kenshi from Manchester we had another 30 […]

kendo media shiai

All Japan Inter-prefectural competition (kids)

Earlier today I (again) took part in the All Japan inter-prefectural competition (kids) here in Osaka. It is the third year I’ve helped out in this competition. The first time I took part I wrote a detailed report, so please check that out if you are interested. Today was pretty much the same as last […]