edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2014)

Returning home to Scotland this summer I took some time out from my busy schedule and taught a small kihon-based seminar similar to how I run the Eikenkai sessions here in Osaka. The event was hosted by my home dojo, Edinburgh Kendo Club. Led by Edinburgh University’s Head of Strength & Conditioning Steve Bishop sensei, Edinburgh Kendo Club is one of the largest dojo in the U.K.

It’s the third time I’ve done the this (the first was in 2010, the second in 2012) and the format was mostly similar: a double session on Saturday then a morning session on Sunday. The focus on Saturday was on the traditional kendo pedagogy: kirikaeshi, uchikomigeiko, and kakarigeiko. On Sunday we did a short (but exhausting!) review of this followed by an introduction to Takano Sasaburo’s Gogyo-no-kata, including the history behind it and it’s relation to the kata we study today as part of kendo.

Before, in-between, and after the weekend I had plenty of chances to sit down over beer and discuss kendo with friends (new and old) and had a great time. I hope I don’t have to wait 2 years to see everyone again !!!

By George

George is the founder and chief editor of
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