eikenkai kendo

Eikenkai November 2014

We held the 6th and last Eikenkai session of 2014 yesterday at our usual dojo at Sumiyoshi Budokan. 27 people participated with kenshi coming from as far afield as Kumamoto (Andy from All Japan Budogu), Nagoya, and Okayama, as well as from around the Kansai region (Osaka, Nara, Hyogo, Kyoto). We did our trademark 45-30-45 format (45mins kihon, 30mins waza, and 45mins jigeiko) followed by our traditional okonomiyaki and beer session at a local restaurant.

There was some mixed feelings today as one of our members – Iwasa Chika – is moving to Australia (Sydney) next year so it’s her last session. I hope she will have a great time down under and wish her luck in her new life. Maybe thats an excuse for me to go down to Sydney and do an Eikenkai weekend in the future!!!


Note that the reeeeaaaaalllly good pictures in the gallery above were taken by Aussie ex-pat Andy Rogers who is based in Nagoya. For more of his exceptional work check out his website and facebook page.

2015 Schedule

Next years schedule has been finalised and is as follows:
Feb 22nd / April 26th (private, invite only session) / June 28th / Sept 13th / Nov 29th

If you are interested in attending any of our sessions, please read the information on this page.

To keep up with the latest information about Eikenkai please keep an eye out for posts on the kenshi 24/7 facebook page.

By George

George is the founder and chief editor of
For more information check out the About page.

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