edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2024)

Over the last 16 years, this was the 9th seminar I’ve instructed at my home dojo of Edinburgh Kendo Club. For two years running, for a total of three times, Yano Nobuhiro, kyoshi hachidan, also came with me. Last year we had so much interest that we capped participation at just over 90 because we […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo media

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2023)

* Update (Sept. 20023) : two videos were added at the end of the article * For the eighth time in 15 years (including the three forced-hiatus years during the pandemic) I travelled to my home country of bonny Scotland to instruct a kendo seminar hosted and organised by Edinburgh Kendo Club. This was the […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2019)

For the past few years I have been travelling back to the wonderful city of Edinburgh, Scotland, to teach a seminar at my home dojo, Edinburgh Kendo Club. This year was the seventh seminar I have run over the past 11 years, and the 3rd in as many years.

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2018)

After almost two weeks in Scotland for the 2018 Edinburgh Kendo Seminar I am finally back in Japan… and boy is it scorching hot here in Osaka. Upon arriving in Scotland I was told that the U.K. was in the middle of a heat wave, but compared to Japan it was weather-heaven, rain and all! […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo media

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2017)

As I mentioned in my last post, I spent some time in the beautiful Scottish capital city of Edinburgh earlier this summer teaching a two-day kendo seminar (plus one regular keiko session). It was the fourth time I have been invited by my home dojo, Edinburgh Kendo Club, to teach there. Unlike the seminars before, […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Teaching environments: summer gasshuku in Japan vs seminar in Europe

The summer holidays are over here in Japan, and it’s back to school for yours truly after a very busy few weeks of kendo. I am always running around doing kendo during this period, and so am quite used to it, but this year was slightly different in that I combined two events in to […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2014)

Returning home to Scotland this summer I took some time out from my busy schedule and taught a small kihon-based seminar similar to how I run the Eikenkai sessions here in Osaka. The event was hosted by my home dojo, Edinburgh Kendo Club. Led by Edinburgh University’s Head of Strength & Conditioning Steve Bishop sensei, […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2012)

Exactly 2 years after the first Eikenkai in Scotland seminar I returned to Edinburgh and held another. In amongst the busy backdrop of the Olympic and Edinburgh festival mayhem around 30 people spent a couple of days together doing kendo, drinking beer, eating curry, and generally having a fun time. The Saturday session ran for […]

edinburghkendoseminar kendo

Edinburgh Kendo Seminar (2010)

Eikenkai organiser George went back to his home country of Scotland and whilst there managed to conduct a small 2-day kendo workshop as well as some local keiko in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. The two day workshop consisted solely of kihon with only a small amount of jigeiko had. More was planned but due […]