eikenkai kendo

Eikenkai June 2013

On a hot and sticky day at the end of June, 24 kenshi got together at Sumiyoshi Budokan in central Osaka for the usual kihon keiko bash. Keiko was especially interesting as we had a lot of first-timers, 8 in total. Hopefully some will become repeat members!!

The menu was as usual split into three – kihon, waza, and jigeiko – split into 40, 35, and 40 minutes respectively. After keiko we went to the nearby okonomiyaki restaurant for food, beer, and kendo chat.

Our next session is only a month away, on Sunday the 28th of July. If you are in town, please pop along!

By George

George is the founder and chief editor of
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2 replies on “Eikenkai June 2013”

I am so proud seeing Gil Vicente Lourenção, from São Carlos, Brazil, in one of the photos of the group. Well done, Gil!

Gil came down especially to take part in the keiko and to chat with participants. What a nice guy!

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