eikenkai kendo

Eikenkai July 2013

Yesterday morning it was absolutely boiling in central Osaka. As people that have been to Japan in summer know, its not just the heat thats a problem, but the exceptionally humidity. Steeling myself for a sweaty keiko, I ate a large breakfast, drank buckets of water, and headed to the dojo. In the judojo next to the kendojo there was a childrens karate practise session going on and due to that the air conditioning was switched on!! I’m glad it was because we did our normal hard session of 40 minutes kihon, 30 minutes waza practise, and 40 minutes of jigeiko. In spite of the air conditioning, it turned out to be a sweaty practise after all.

This session saw a few of our normal members absent, but a good collection of kenshi took part, representing 6 countries, from Argentina to Canada, Vietnam to Scotland. After keiko we showered and headed to the usual restaurant for okonomiyaki and beer.

Our next session is on September 29th. Please have a read of the Eikenkai section of the website and consider popping along if you are in town.

By George

George is the founder and chief editor of
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